Allergy Aware Policy
At Kid’n Around we are an ‘allergy aware’ centre which recognises that not all allergens can be kept away from the centre although we do have risk minimisation strategies to ensure these allergens do not come into our learning environments.
We have some enrolled children who are anaphylactic. We request that you DO NOT send any nut products for your child’s lunch and avoid sending foods with traces of nuts. This includes Peanut Butter, Nutella and Chocolate. If nut products are brought into the centre they will be discarded to avoid cross contamination and possible allergic reactions.
Upon enrolment lunch box ideas are provided to assist with packing a healthy lunch box. Suggestions include quiche, sandwiches, sushi and rice cakes. For more information, visit the Nutrition page on our website.
Most staff are trained in Epipen use, and we always have trained staff on duty.